Our Story

We are parents who took a very close look at what we were letting into our own children's play room. We realized that we were allowing toy's into our home that were not backed by Christ centered companies and were meant to distract versus help our little hands grow.

We started changing the way we did play with our own children. Play can be intentionalpurposeful, and can be used as an opportunity to welcome Jesus into our homes. It is our responsibility as parents (not just our Sunday School teachers) to raise our children in the ways of the Lord.

We began praying before we manipulated toys, teaching Bible based lessons to our children while using specific toys as props, and we immediately began to see results. Our children grew more in love with Jesus and the Word of God. 

Manger is a Christ centered and family focused toy company. We are dedicated to helping children grow more in love with Jesus through purposeful play, we provide toys that are paired with lessons that inspire spiritual growth as seen in Luke 2:40. 

"And the child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him." Luke 2:40